SPEAKER: Pastor Cyril .O. Eghene
Topic I will awake the giant in me
Text: 1thess 5:1-6
How do u watch?
As a Christian you watch by prayer.
The giant in you is the force of prayers in you that you need to awake.
The church is so weak because a lot of member (giant) are sleeping.
If the giant in you is sleeping that means you are gone because the time and season we are now is weaked.
> the world at large is sleeping
What differentiate you from the world is your prayers but you as a child of God should wake up and not be like others.
The more you sleep the more your problem will increase.
(People when dey work for night ni dey succeed for day).
We have 3 kinds of sleep
1. Natural sleep (created by God)
2. Perpetual sleep (when u r dead)
3. Spiritual sleep (it means when you as a child of God is spiritually dead.) When you spiritually alive when u r being rebuke u will repent n not pick offence for being rebuke but when u r spiritually dead u do not see anything wrong in whatever mistake u do or committee .
When d giant in u is alive u can not be afraid
How do we awake our spiritual giant
1. Word of God
2. Prayer n fasting
3. Programs in church
How do I empower the giant in me
1. Always sow in d altar
2. Honour the grace u r under or following