Sunday, April 25, 2021

SPEAKER: Pastor Cyril .O. Eghene

Topic I will awake the giant in me

Text: 1thess 5:1-6

How do u watch?

As a Christian you watch by prayer.

     The giant in you is the force of prayers in you that you need to awake.

     The church is so weak because a lot of member (giant) are sleeping.

  If the giant in you is sleeping that means you are gone because the time and season we are now is weaked.

> the world at large is sleeping

What differentiate you from the world is your prayers but you as a child of God should wake up and not be like others.

The more you sleep the more your problem will increase.

(People when dey work for night ni dey succeed for day). 

We have 3 kinds of sleep

1. Natural sleep (created by God) 

2. Perpetual sleep (when u r dead) 

3. Spiritual sleep (it means when you as a child of God is spiritually dead.) When you spiritually alive when u r being rebuke u will repent n  not pick offence for being rebuke but when u r spiritually dead u do not see anything wrong in whatever mistake u do or committee .

   When d giant in u is alive u can not be afraid

How do we awake our spiritual giant

1. Word of God

2. Prayer n fasting

3. Programs in church

How do I empower the giant in me

1. Always sow in d altar

2. Honour the grace u r under or following

Wednesday, August 21, 2019



there is a connection between your career, success and the anointing. Sometimes it is dangerous to be close to the Carrier of the anointing. Some came to church and see it as a business center, this is the reason why so many are not bless and they start complaining.
Everyone on earth was created by the anointing via the holy spirit (psalm 104: 3).
This are things you don't understand how they work but explain the power of God.
(1st Samuel 10:6)
Anytime you connect with the spirit you become another person. ( Daniel 6:10)
The anointing makes you to out shine your mates it places you ahead of others.
The anointing brings an excellent spirit.


  1. Sonship in Christ (roman 8:14-16)
  2. Fellowship with the brethren ( psalm 133: 1-2) anytime it rains some will not come to church, anytime you are on your bed when church is on you will not be comfortable when you have the anointing.
  3. Your fellowship and service (psalm 89:20) anytime you are connected and committed to him, he look for who to anoint. Learn how to serve God not for what you want to gain. When God promotes you, is better than when man promotes you.
  4. Partnership with God (Acts 1:8) go and preach to people, give account of your stewardship. Partnership with your kingdom finance. You should not be pushed to give towards the work of God. 


  1. Hunger for it
  2. Connect to it
  3. Increase your prayer life
  4. Humble yourself

The carrier of the anointing- humble yourself to any man of God that carry the anointing e.g your pastor. There are people men of God sees, they are hungry people with stubborn character. They know such people will not go far. Always let your pastor and mentor know that you value and appreciate his grace on your life.



Your James is your helper, that thing that give you joy and happiness. There are people, their work is to unit the family and the church. The devil is not happy with such people.
This was the role elder James was playing in the early church before the enemies took him. If you don't react against some certain ugly experience in your life and family it will continue. Don't wait for your enemies to attack you before you start praying. The early church waited for James to be killed before they went into prayer. With the way they prayed for peter, if that was the same way they prayed for James, he wouldn't have been killed. The devil and the witches are not after everybody, but for certain financial helper, people that matter to you in the family and church.


  1. First fruits
  2. Your Tithe
  3. Offering
  4. Battle seed
  5. Soul winning
  6. Prophetic offering to your prophet


  1. Any tragedy programmed by my enemies that will force me into prayers, back fire by fire.
  2. My James, you will not die before I start praying.
  3. Every evil expectations of my enemies against me in this month catch fire.
  4. You that family strongman assigned against my testimony, what are you still living for? Die!.
  5. Every evil plot of my enemies to take me unaware this month, Back fire by fire.
  6. Any man or woman calling my name before any idol and family altar, die before that idol.
  7. When you see other families making it, you wish it was your own family. You that family strongman, making things and life difficult for me and my family, Die!

Monday, August 19, 2019



We have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him. "Light is come is different from light has come, Is come means instant". Many who were there, didn't see what the wise men saw. Those who were with Jesus didn't see him as king because of overfamiliarity hence, they missed it. Up till now the Jews are still waiting for their Messiah and saviour. They saw him as a little child and a little boy. But wise men, the bible called them wise men from the east, from far land, saw the grace and they came to tap and draw from the well, while those who were with him saw him as a boy and a child. They did not just come with empty hands to connect and draw from the well of grace, but came with expensive and costly gifts. The grace can be stalled to bless and also to curse. It also depends on what you stalled it for. They gave to the grace and worship the baby Jesus not minding if it was just a baby, they worshiped him and not only that, they presented gifts, gold frankincense and myrrh.
How many of us can proudly say " I have given my gold, myrrh and frankincense to God as part of my offering ".


  1. Heb 11:1- You must believe and have faith. The wise men have not seen yet they believe. It is very easy to worship and answer sir to a big man than to honour and answer sir to a small child. They didn't look at the age of Jesus as a child. What they were seeing and looking at was the grace and the future of the great king. They still honour and answer sir for the grace and anointing upon his life. So many of us pretend so much to be under the grace and anointing, but are so rebellious and disobedient to the grace. Its the grace and oil that you are loyal to and celebrates that flows into your life and destiny. Its the grace you sow into and oil daily that move you into your next level.
  2. SACRIFICE- 2Sam 24:24- Gen 5:29, Gen 8:20-21, Judges 13:19-21, 2Kings 3:26-27. It is what you sacrifice on the alter that will bring your answers and result. Noah did what no body has done in his family and the curse upon his family was broken. 
  3. TITHE- Levi 27:30- Mala 3:5-10. The meat are the needs and the things they lack in the church, instruments, chairs, lighting e.t.c
  4. FIRST FRUITS- Eze 44:30, Levi 27:30, Pro 3:9-10, John 15:1-3. Your offering should be what will bring development to the church Romans 11:16.
  5. YOUR PROPHETIC SEEDS AND OFFERING- The woman of Zarephit and the rich woman. 1Kings 17:8-16. 2Kings 4:8-17. Do your best to meet the needs of your prophet. Financially, materially and other wise. When you sow into the life of your prophet, you enjoy the grace flowing from his life. The wise men gave their best and they enjoyed favour and grace. They didn't allow the mentality of others or the people around Jesus to influence them negatively.
  6. SOUL WINNING OR CONVERING SOMEONE TO THE CHURCH- Get a soul on daily and weekly basis to the church and you will enjoy excess grace and favour, who have you converted to this church or Christ?. Be part of those who will grow this church, ministry and the body of Christ.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019




Forgiveness is the deliberate act and voluntary process of letting go of grudges and negative emotions that you have been nursing against another person. It is also an act of compassionately removing from your heart the desire to avenge yourself on or punish someone who offended you from your heart. Forgiveness is not a physical act but a spiritual one. It takes one to be deeply rooted in Christ to forgive because forgiveness is not just in the lips but from deep down the heart. By forgiving someone, more good is done to the one who forgives than to the one who is forgiven.

The Bible made it so clear that forgiveness is very important in the life of Christians. That is why so many verses in the Bible talked about forgiveness. God showed us a very vivid example of forgiveness by forgiving those who crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Despite all that was done to Him, He forgave His offenders. He forgave them instantly on the cross. He did not consult any other person before forgiving them because He knew the importance of forgiveness. So if we must be like Christ, then we need to have the spirit of forgiveness in us. Lack o forgiveness hinders God's blessing from us. So, if we must receive from God, then we must learn how to forgive one another. Total forgiveness and not pretense is what we need in order to receive God's grace.


As Christian we need to forgive those who offends us for the following reasons:

  1. Our  Jesus Christ is a forgiving master. So for us to be like Him, we must forgive our offenders (Hebrew 10:17).
  2. Christ forgives us when we sin against Him, (Matthew 6:14-15, Colossians 3:13).
  3. So that God will hear and answer our prayers (Psalm 66:18).
  4. So that our mind will be free from grudges and bitterness (Ephesians 4:1-32).
Going by the above reasons, we that are Christ-like do not have any other option than to forgive. So with this, learn how to totally forgive and forget. The first to apologize is the bravest, while the first to forgive is the strongest but the first to forget is the happiest. Forgiveness goes side by side with forgetting the event. Do not forgive without letting go of the event that brought the anger. And as you forgive your offenders, nothing will hinder your prayers from being answered in Jesus name, Amen.

SPEAKER: Pastor Cyril .O. Eghene Topic I will awake the giant in me Text: 1thess 5:1-6 How do u watch? As a Christian you watch by prayer.  ...